Fishes of Sahul Subject Index
to Volume 31 Number 4
Compiled by Rodney P Wubben
March 2018
Acanthopagrus australis |
351, 1201, 1611 |
African characin |
36 |
African lungfish |
11 |
Afurcagobius tamarensis |
1230, 1611 |
Allomogurnda |
flavimarginata |
982 |
Allomogurnda |
insularis |
985 |
Allomogurnda |
landfordi |
986 |
Allomogurnda |
montana |
988 |
Allomogurnda |
nesolepis |
990 |
Allomogurnda |
papua |
993 |
Allomogurnda |
sampricei |
996 |
Allomogurnda |
sp. |
978-997 |
Amarinus lacustris |
1639 |
Amarinus paralacustris |
1611 |
Ambassidae |
systematics |
90, 657 |
Ambassids |
149, 166, 172, 179, 180 |
Ambassids |
235, 315, 414, 422 |
Ambassis |
macleayi |
90 |
Ambassis |
nigripinnis |
29 |
Ambassis sp |
A.agassizi |
350, 661, 818 |
Ambassis sp |
A.agrammus |
90, 93, 295, 303, 363, 382, 396, 423, 859 |
Ambassis sp |
A.agrammus/mulleri |
304, 305 |
Ambassis sp |
A.castelnaui |
91 |
Ambassis sp |
A.cauclavittata |
664 |
Ambassis sp |
A.elongatus |
90, 263 |
Ambassis sp |
A.lala |
91, 93 |
Ambassis sp |
A.leptaspis |
421 |
Ambassis sp |
A.macleayi |
90, 94, 167, 212, 214, 263, 286, 303 |
Ambassis sp |
A.macleayi |
346, 365, 395, 396, 661 |
Ambassis sp |
A.marianus |
76, 134, 315, 351, 1201, 1611 |
Ambassis sp |
A.marinarum |
382 |
Ambassis sp |
A.mulleri |
395, 396 |
Ambassis sp |
A.nana |
91 |
Ambassis sp |
A.nigripinnis |
29, 30, 77, 131, 315 |
Ambassis sp |
A.rango |
91, 93 |
Ambassis sp |
A.sp. |
1, 346, 661 |
Ambassis sp |
A.vachelli |
423 |
Ambassis sp |
40, 87, 90, 134, 227, 317, 381, 661, 1298 |
Amniataba |
caudarittata |
664 |
Amniataba percoides |
percoides |
89, 166, 212, 233, 242, 263, 286, 303, 335, 346, 365, 367, 395, 396, 664, 1241, 1568 |
Amphilobus labiatus |
Red Devil |
1376, 1380 |
Angel |
387 |
ANZ fish safari |
1544-1555 |
Combined Field Trip |
1364-1374 |
ethics |
332 |
habitat survey |
70, 73, 129, 133, 285, 360, 443, 519, 527, 551, 575, 595, 606, 621, 641, 643, 699, 806, 815, 902, 1002, 1008, 1016, 1026, 1042, 1044, 1048, 1050, 1068 |
visits |
22, 28 |
ANGFA - Qld |
2008 Western Rivers |
1406-1413 |
ANGFA - Vic |
2008 Shepparton |
1418-1422 |
Angfa rainbow |
374-379, 709, 718 |
Anguilla sp. |
A.australis |
258, 350, 1702 |
Anguilla sp. |
A.interioris |
202 |
Anguilla sp. |
A.obscura |
202-204, 263 |
Anguilla sp. |
A.reinhardtii |
202-204, 258, 396, 805, 816, 1279, 1611 |
Anguilla sp. |
76, 132, 227, 358, 362 |
Antennarius biocellatus |
365 |
Apogon hyalosoma |
332, 382 |
Aponogeton |
bullosus |
539, 1322 |
Aquarium |
collapsible |
152 |
Aquatic Plants |
aponogeton bullosus |
539, 540 |
Aquatic Plants |
aponogeton sp. |
605 |
Aquatic Plants |
crypt. Ciliata |
584, 585, 588 |
Aquatic Plants |
crypt. Versteegi |
584, 585, 588 |
Aquatic Plants |
cryptocoryne |
583 |
Aquatic Plants |
drysophila stellata |
572, 596 |
Aquatic Plants |
ericaulon Setaceum |
479, 480 |
Aquatic Plants |
hydrostemma motleyi |
585 |
Aquatic Plants |
limnophila chinesis |
604 |
Aquatic Plants |
Lotus |
796, 797 |
Aquatic Plants |
microsorium brassie |
585 |
Aquatic Plants |
nelambo nucifer |
796 |
Aquatic Plants |
nymphaeaceae |
720 |
Aquatic Plants |
nymphoides sp. |
872-874 |
Aquatic Plants |
ondina purpurea |
709, 720, 721, 725 |
Aquatic Plants |
pogosteman stellatus |
571, 572, 596 |
Aquatic Plants |
pondweeds |
845-847 |
Aquatic Plants |
potamogeton |
845-847 |
Aquatic Plants |
sacred lotus |
796 |
Arafura Swamp |
693 |
Archerfish |
227, 242, 286-288, 330, 335, 414, 423 |
Archocentrus nigrofasciatus |
Convict Cichlid |
1379 |
Arenigobius bifrenatus |
Bridled Goby |
1601, 1611 |
Arguni Bay Rainbow |
1429, 1430-1439 |
Argyrosomus hololepidotus |
348 |
Ariid catfish |
367 |
Arius sp. |
A.graeffei |
263, 351, 700 |
Arius sp. |
A.leptaspis |
420, 421 |
Arius sp. |
131, 134, 166, 168, 364, 365, 1324 |
Arnhem Land |
806 |
Arnhem Land |
M.inornata |
1293 |
Arnhem Land |
South East Arnhem Land |
1294-1307 |
Arnoldichthys spilopterus |
36 |
Arramphus sclerolopis |
88, 351 |
Arrinyaki Creek |
1044 |
Aru Island |
2013 Expeditions |
1894-1903 |
Atherinaforms |
153 |
Atherinidae |
26, 229, 2205-2211 |
Atherinids |
153 |
Atherinoid |
281 |
Atherinosoma elongata |
1230 |
Atherinosoma microstoma |
41, 1230 |
Australatya striolata |
1367 |
Australian bass |
276, 349, 350, 352 |
Australian lungfish |
197-200 |
Australian rainbowfish |
149-150, 194, 201, 314, 333 |
Australian scats |
30 |
Australian smelt |
235-236 |
Australia's Outback |
1226-1243 |
Austrothelphusa sp. |
Kai Cr Freshwater Crab |
1816 |
Awaous crassilabrus |
346, 419 |
Awaous melanocephalus |
419 |
Balcanoona purple spot |
414 |
Banded Grunter |
166, 211, 233, 242, 335-337, 664 |
Banded rainbowfish |
227, 302, 395, 1569, 1571 |
Barbus nigrofasciatus |
187 |
Barcoo |
Grunter |
665 |
Barcoo |
River |
1154-9 |
Barramundi |
140, 166, 168, 180, 227, 234, 302 |
Barramundi |
304, 336, 419, 423, 428 |
Barred Galaxias |
781 |
Barred Rainbow |
55-57, 777 |
Bartailed Grunter |
664 |
Bass |
76, 276, 348, 351, 851 |
Batanta |
Batanta v Waigeo |
1334-1336 |
Bathurst cod |
348 |
Bedjal |
M.trifasciata, Blyth R |
1266 |
Bedjal |
Red Rainbow Arnhem |
1266-1268 |
Bedotia |
36, 1126-1134 |
Biak |
Cling Gobies from Biak |
1284-1287 |
Bidyanus bidyanus |
350, 665 |
Bidyanus sp. |
166, 168 |
Bidyanus welchi |
1238 |
Big-headed gudgeon |
350 |
Black bream |
233 |
Blackfish |
22, 1499-1500, 1568, 1837 |
Blackmast |
25, 26, 27, 28, 325, 1843, 2002-2008 |
Blind gudgeon |
145-148, 784 |
Blue discus |
387 |
Blue Eyes |
Dance of the Butterflies |
1596-1600 |
Blue Eyes |
eggs |
205 |
Blue Eyes |
gertrudae morphs |
589 |
Blue Eyes |
Honey |
37, 72, 148 |
Blue Eyes |
redfinned |
277, 282, 412, 430, 432 |
Blue Eyes |
Singnificant signifers |
1382-1389 |
Blue Eyes |
species |
12, 24, 28, 30, 35-41, 72, 76, 82, 86, 88, 89, 105-108, 121-125, 134, 135, 148, 149, 172, 179-180, 205-211, 214, 215, 268-284, 294, 295, 315, 323-324, 350, 365, 395, 405-411, 960, 1597 |
Blue eyes |
37, 105, 109, 121, 205, 249, 277, 405, 409 |
Blue eyes |
412, 1381 |
Blue eyes |
diversity in Australia |
1989-1996 |
Blue Eyes |
trouble shooting |
323 |
Bluefish |
259 |
Blue-spotted goby |
351, 1723 |
Bobby |
367 |
Boeseman's rainbowfish |
387 |
Bonsai cod |
644 |
Bony bream |
87, 131, 242, 335, 350, 384, 427 |
Bostockia porosa |
758, 759, 763 |
Bovichtys angustatus |
1120 |
Brachirus selheimi |
346 |
Brachygalaxias |
B.bullocki |
5 |
Brachygalaxias |
5, 8 |
Brackish Fishes |
Narrabeen Lake |
1608-1617 |
Bream |
172, 382 |
Brisbane River cod |
352 |
Brown discus |
387 |
Brown trout |
308 |
Budj Bim Fishes |
1630-1640 |
Bug-eyed goby |
254, 331, 349, 351 |
Bullrout |
76, 77, 351 |
Bulolo Rainbow |
13, 15-17 |
Butis butis |
351, 414, 666, 668 |
Butlers grunter |
665 |
C.rhombosomoides |
313 |
Caddisfly larvae |
1639 |
Cairns rainbowfish |
215-216, 358 |
Cairnsichthys |
313 |
Cairnsichthys rhombosomoides |
215-216, 358, 362, 1839-1844, 2017 |
Cape York |
225, 259, 341, 360 |
Carassius auratus |
333, 350 |
Carcharhinus leucas |
76, 351 |
Cardina sp. |
Chameleon Shrimp |
1753-1756 |
Cardinal tetra |
387 |
Carettochelys insculpta |
Pig-nose turtle |
1575 |
Carp |
31, 95, 349, 350, 423, 1164-6 |
Carp gudgeon |
24, 139-140, 350, 648 |
Catfish |
76, 77, 229, 315, 1593-1595 |
Catfish |
Cooper Creek |
460 |
Catfish |
Dalhousie |
820 |
Catfish |
Porochilus obbesi |
1709 |
Catfish |
Neosilurus hyrtlii |
1707, 2066, 2081-2093 |
Cave eel |
146 |
Celebes goby |
331 |
Celebes rainbow |
12, 35 |
Central American live-bearer |
23 |
Centratherina |
14 |
Centratherina crassispinosus |
14 |
Centropogon australis |
1611 |
Ceratodus |
Neoceratodus forsteri |
197-200, 255-257 |
Chameleon Shrimp |
Cardina sp. |
1753-1756 |
Chanda perch |
40 |
Channa striata |
1361 |
Checkerboard cichlid |
386 |
Cheimarrichthys |
fosteri |
1554 |
Chelonodon sp. |
382 |
Chequered Rainbow |
167, 193-195, 808, 1141-2, 1570 |
Cherax albidus |
Otways |
1836 |
Cherax cartacooloolah |
1706 |
Cherax destructor |
1492, 1704 |
Cherax leckii n.sp. |
1191-1196 |
Cherax N.sp |
756 |
Cherax rhynchotus |
Tutalai Creek |
1814 |
Cherax robustus |
1893, 1911, 1912 |
Chilatherina |
alleni |
577, 1762, 1864, 1983 |
Chilatherina |
axelrodi |
537, 790, 791-794 |
Chilatherina |
bleheri |
387, 445, 569 |
Chilatherina |
bulolo |
13, 15-17 |
Chilatherina |
campsi |
43, 103, 116, 117, 118, 537 |
Chilatherina |
crassispinosa |
14, 15, 16 |
Chilatherina |
lorentzi |
1801, 2153, 2159, 2161 |
Chilatherina |
sp. Gidomen |
1629 |
Chilatherina |
species |
14, 116, 119, 155 |
Chilatherina fasciata |
Clearwater Creek |
57, 537, 776 |
Chilatherina fasciata |
general |
55, 2149 |
Chilatherina fasciata |
Lake Wanam |
637, 757, 776, 778, 1536-1537 |
Chilatherina fasciata |
species |
55-57, 114, 366 |
Chlamydogobius |
Ermeis |
17-20, 128, 611, 733, 740, 741, 848, 849, 1241 |
Chlamydogobius |
Gloveri |
749, 821 |
Chlamydogobius |
Jalpara/Japalpa |
746, 1239 |
Chlamydogobius |
micropterus |
747, 1921-1933 |
Chlamydogobius |
ranunculus |
748 |
Chlamydogobius |
squamigenus |
746 |
Cichlids |
69, 140, 1375-1380 |
Climbing Perch |
1995 |
Cling Goby |
from Biak |
1284-1287 |
Coal grunter |
88, 212, 227, 233, 286, 290, 664, 1701, 1973-1978 |
Cod |
bonsai |
644 |
Cod |
general |
1050, 1054, 1055 |
Cod |
Murray |
434 |
Cod |
Mary River |
1567 |
Common jollytail |
Galaxias maculatus |
41, 1518-1520 |
Congoli |
22, 1120-1124 |
Conservation |
G.pusilla |
1694-1700 |
Convict Cichlid |
Archocentrus nigrofasciat |
1379 |
Cooktown |
The Cooktown connection |
1710-1718, 1735-1740 |
Cooloola |
The fishes of Cooloola |
1277-1283 |
Cooper Creek |
Catfish |
460, 464 |
Coral rainbowfish |
387 |
Corydoras |
386 |
Cowan Creek |
1199 |
Coward Springs |
Coward Springs Country |
1272-1276 |
Cox's grunter |
780 |
Cox's gudgeon |
350 |
Crabs |
freshwater |
875, 876, 1816 |
Crabs freshwater |
Moulting and Mating |
1556-1560 |
Crater Lake |
Climbing Galaxias |
1197 |
Crater Lake |
Cradle Mountain |
1197 |
Crater Lake |
Tasmania |
1197 |
Craterocephalus |
C.cuneiceps |
384 |
Craterocephalus |
C.dalhousiensis |
821, 1242 |
Craterocephalus |
C.eyresii |
41, 1029, 1245, 1252 |
Craterocephalus |
C.fluviatilis |
98, 102, 1351, 1390-1399 |
Craterocephalus |
C.gloveri |
821, 1242 |
Craterocephalus |
C.lacustris |
232 |
Craterocephalus |
C.marjoriae |
61-64, 98, 350, 2205-2211 |
Craterocephalus |
C.nouhuysi |
2075 |
Craterocephalus |
C.randi |
263 |
Craterocephalus |
C.stercusmuscarum |
62, 88, 89, 97-102, 131, 167, 211, 214, 242, 286, 290, 303, 305, 346, 350, 363-365, 395, 396, 814, 1547 |
Craterocephalus |
C.stramineus |
27, 1303, 1843, 2002-2008 |
Craterocephalus |
Goyder River |
1300 |
Craterocephalus |
species |
40, 62, 98, 167, 232, 281, 317, 1079 |
Craterocephalus |
tanii |
167 |
Crayfish |
Cherax cartacooloolah |
1706 |
Crayfish |
Euastacus maccai, NSW |
1471-1476 |
Crayfish |
Euastacus pilosus |
1308-1316 |
Crayfish |
general |
1191-1196, 1293 |
Crayfish |
Mt Lewis Spiny Crayfish |
1325 |
Crayfish |
New England |
1167-1172 |
Crayfish |
freshwater,Otway Ranges |
1833-1838 |
Crayfish |
research |
1143-1148 |
Crayfish |
spiny |
920, 921-924, 998-1000, 1639 |
Crayfish |
spiny, alpine |
1659-1660 |
Crayfish |
Tutalai Creek |
1814 |
Crazy fish |
668 |
Creek |
Alligator C., M.australis |
1307 |
Creek |
Andoon Creek |
1993 |
Creek |
Baffle Creek, Qld |
1546 |
Creek |
Beening Creek |
1462-1465 |
Creek |
Birthday Creek |
1965 |
Creek |
Brodie Creek |
2053 |
Creek |
Brunette Creek NT |
2086 |
Creek |
Colosseum Creek |
1548 |
Creek |
Deep Creek |
1374, 1483 |
Creek |
Deepwater C, Qld |
1545 |
Creek |
Deky Creek NG |
1759 |
Creek |
Fletcher Creek |
1968 |
Creek |
Forest Creek |
2064 |
Creek |
Gap Cr, M. trifasciata |
1269-1271 |
Creek |
Gin Gin Creek |
1549 |
Creek |
Harvey Creek |
1840 |
Creek |
Hutchinson Creek |
2065 |
Creek |
Hunter Creek |
1978, 2092 |
Creek |
Joyce Creek |
2018-2019 |
Creek |
Kai Creek |
1813 |
Creek |
King Leopold RangesWA |
2091 |
Creek |
M.duboulayi, Kangaroo C |
1280-1281 |
Creek |
Marmos Creek |
1447 |
Creek |
Middle Creek |
1487 |
Creek |
Molo Creek |
2047, 2052 |
Creek |
Mullet Creek & Waterfall |
1489 |
Creek |
Myall Creek |
1445-1447, 2063 |
Creek |
Myka Creek |
1451 |
Creek |
Nareen Creek |
1491 |
Creek |
Obi Obi Creek |
1904, 1905 |
Creek |
Pappan |
1457 |
Creek |
Prior C, Mogurnda ad. |
1323 |
Creek |
Punkally C |
1340 |
Creek |
Running Creek |
1450, 1991 |
Creek |
Sawyat Creek NG |
1793 |
Creek |
Scotchmans Creek |
1938 |
Creek |
Searys Creek |
1278-1279, 2034 |
Creek |
Sembra Creek NG |
1791 |
Creek |
South Creek |
1488 |
Creek |
Thiaki Creek |
2042, 2051, 2053, 2054 |
Creek |
Waiwhiu Creek |
1553 |
Creek |
Wallaby, M.splendida sp. |
1270, 1738 |
Creek |
Wallace Road |
2050, 2051 |
Creek |
Williams Creek |
2043, 2046, 2049, 2050, 2052 |
Creek |
Wooloogin Creek |
1842 |
Creek |
Worth Creek |
2016 |
Creek |
Cowan Creek, NSW |
1199 |
Creeks & Rivers |
surveys |
466, 1073 |
Crenicara maculata |
386 |
Cresent perch |
171-172, 382, 665 |
Crimson spotted rainbowfish |
350 |
Crustacean |
Syncarids |
1818-1824 |
Cryptocoryne |
583, 588 |
Cynolebias whitei |
187 |
Cyprinus carpio |
31, 350 |
Dalhousie Catfish |
820, 825 |
Darling River rainbow |
94 |
Darwin blue-eye |
412 |
Datnoides |
30 |
Delicate blue eye |
109-113, 167, 179-180 |
Denariusa bandata |
167, 214, 263, 361, 363-4, 395-6, 402, 661, 1297 |
Desert goby |
17-20, 128, 282, 612, 733, 740, 741 |
Desert goby |
848, 849, 1276 |
Dewfish |
350 |
Dicrossus maculatus |
386 |
Dipnoans |
197 |
Dirrin Creek Rainbow |
217 |
Disease |
Managing Mycrobacterios |
1423-1427 |
Aquarists service science |
1742-1748 |
Dolomedes sp. |
water spider |
1374 |
Dragonflies |
884, 1576-1580, 1639 |
Drombus |
414 |
Drysdale hardyhead |
98 |
Dusky flathead |
351 |
Dwarf cichlids |
386 |
Dwarf flathead gudgeon |
76, 504, 1339, 1722 |
Dwarf flathead gudgeon |
A Community Hero |
1866-1868 |
Dwarf galaxias |
species |
5-8, 398-400, 1080-1083-5, 1160-3 |
Dwarf galaxias |
Eastern |
1073 |
Dwarf gudgeon |
167 |
Dwarf maccullochi |
401-404 |
Dwarf rainbowfish |
403, 1726-1734 |
E.vittata |
761 |
E.vittata |
247 |
East Coast Rainbowfish |
sympatry |
507 |
Eastern little galaxias |
5 |
Eastern pygmy galaxias |
6 |
Eastern Rainbowfish |
Clohesy River |
1319 |
Edelia |
obscura |
247, 321-323, 638, 641, 642 |
Edelia |
vittata |
761, 1245, 1251 |
Edgbaston Springs |
1805-1812 |
Eel tail catfish |
132, 134, 166, 168, 232, 354, 358 |
Eel Tailed Catfish |
Migrating |
1513-1517 |
Eels |
76, 132, 202-4, 227, 258, 315, 358, 1702 |
Electric blue goby |
135 |
Eleotridae |
229 |
Empire gudgeon |
24, 76, 87, 89, 132-5, 139-140, 162-4, 177, 214, 254, 263, 295, 302, 343, 358, 382, 384, 645, 1278, 1365, 1565, 2033-2037 |
Empire gudgeon |
GloriousEmpireGudgeons |
1562 |
Empire gudgeon |
One more breed attempt |
2009-2014, 2021-2024 |
Emydura sp. |
turtle |
1236, 1574 |
Eriocaulon Setaceum |
479 |
Euastacus australasiensis |
1485, 1493 |
Euastacus bispinosus |
1639, 1640 |
Euastacus crassus |
1659, 1660 |
Euastacus dangadi |
1367 |
Euastacus fleckeri |
Mt Lewis Spiny Crayfish |
1325 |
Euastacus maccai |
1471-1476 |
Euastacus pilosus |
1308-1316 |
Euastacus spinifer |
1485, 1497 |
Euastacus suttoni |
1167-1172 |
Euastacus yarraensis |
Barwon River, Otways |
1837 |
Ewens Pygmy Perch |
321-3, 952, 953, 954, 955-957, 958-9, 1010 |
Exquisite Rainbow |
1569 |
Exyrias puntang |
331 |
Fairy shrimp |
1021, 1022 |
Favonigobius exquisites |
1611 |
Featherfin rainbow |
80 |
Firetail gudgeon |
38, 65, 77, 349, 350, 649, 1283 |
Fish |
Arrinyake Creek |
1044 |
Fish |
Burdekin River |
1042 |
Fish |
Cathedral Rock NP |
1068 |
Fish |
fingerprinting |
614 |
Fish |
Flinders Ranges |
1026 |
Fish |
Myora Springs |
1048 |
Fish |
SA South East |
1002 |
Fish |
Townsville |
330 |
Fish |
transfer techniques |
83 |
Fish |
Vic South West |
1008 |
Flathead |
171, 397 |
Flathead gudgeon |
76, 350, 351, 1339 |
Flinders purple spotted gudgeon |
414-416 |
Flinders pygmy perch |
2198-2204 |
Flinders Ranges |
1026 |
Fly River rainbow |
169-170 |
Fly-specked hardyhead |
88, 89, 97-102, 131, 242, 290, 350 |
Fork-tailed catfish |
131, 134, 349, 350, 351, 420 |
Forsskal |
171 |
Fraser Island |
survey |
129, 134 |
Freshwater anchovy |
427-429 |
Freshwater eel |
202-204 |
Freshwater garfish |
88 |
Freshwater mullet |
76, 348, 350 |
Frogs |
Desert Trilling |
1269, 1288-1292 |
Frogs |
general |
828, 835, 888, 1023, 1024, 1072 |
Frogs |
green tree frog |
750, 1302 |
Frogs |
in fishroom |
750 |
Frogs |
Litoria aurea |
916 |
Frogs |
Litoria ceurulea |
733, 750 |
Frogs |
Litoria chloris |
888-889 |
Frogs |
Litoria ewingii |
1637 |
Frogs |
Pseudophryne corroboree |
835 |
Frogs |
ranidella |
828 |
Frogs |
Red-eyed tree frog |
890-891 |
Frogs |
spider |
828 |
Gadopsis |
Freshwater Blackfishes |
1499-1500 |
Gadopsis |
bispinosa |
1500, 1568 |
Gadopsis |
marmoratus |
22, 398, 957, 1499, 1633 |
Galaxias |
argenteus |
1554 |
Galaxias |
brevipinnis |
5, 58, 541, 544, 548, 1542-1543, 1555 |
Galaxias |
cleaveri |
5, 8, 58, 150-151, 239 |
Galaxias |
dwarf |
5, 1073 |
Galaxias |
Dorrigo Plateau, NSW |
1097, 1098-1107 |
Galaxias |
Erskine River |
1723 |
Galaxias |
fasciatus, Hepburn Creek |
1552 |
Galaxias |
findlayi |
831 |
Galaxias |
fuscus |
5, 22, 328-329, 781, 976, 977 |
Galaxias |
galaxias sp |
1632, 1635 |
Galaxias |
general |
758, 785, 1097, 1177-1186 |
Galaxias |
Kosciuszko |
830 |
Galaxias |
Lord Howe Island |
257 |
Galaxias |
maculatus |
5, 22, 41, 237, 258, 398, 956, 1229, 1230, 1484, 1496, 1518-1520, 1554, 1632, 1637 |
Galaxias |
mountain |
58, 785 |
Galaxias |
munda |
761 |
Galaxias |
Murray R Upper |
1618-1620 |
Galaxias |
occidentalis |
761, 1246-1251, 1246 |
Galaxias |
olidus |
5, 40, 58-60, 71, 223-225, 328, 785-8, 1618, 1620 |
Galaxias |
olidus var.fuscus |
329 |
Galaxias |
Otwayarius galaxiformis |
1720 |
Galaxias |
ornatus |
1937, 1939 |
Galaxias |
parkeri, Shannon lagoon |
1216, 1219 |
Galaxias |
parvus |
5, 6, 1211, 1212 |
Galaxias |
parvus habitat |
1213 |
Galaxias |
postivectis |
1554 |
Galaxias |
pusilla |
5-8, 58, 239, 398-400, 803, 1007, 1012-3, 1080-1083-1085, 1160-3, 1632, 1636, 1637, 1670 |
Galaxias |
pusilla, Conservation |
1694-1700 |
Galaxias |
rostratus |
5, 22 |
Galaxias |
South Western Victoria |
1681-1686, 1719-1724 |
Galaxias |
species |
40, 58, 59, 224, 257-259, 803, 831, 1070 |
Galaxias |
sp. Lake Pedder |
1210 |
Galaxias |
truttaceus |
5, 22, 319, 398 |
Galaxias |
truttaceus, Shannon L |
1216 |
Galaxias |
Unusual coloured |
1937-1940 |
Galaxiella |
cleaveri |
150 |
Galaxiella |
munda |
5, 58, 761 |
Galaxiella |
nigrostriata |
5, 761 |
Galaxiella |
5, 8 |
Galaxiid |
aestivation |
219 |
Galaxiid |
5, 6, 40, 258, 319 |
Galaxiidae |
8, 58 |
Gambusia |
affinis |
23, 31, 32, 33, 38, 72, 76-7, 134-6, 148, 350 |
Gambusia |
affinis holbrooki |
430 |
Gambusia |
general |
31-34, 38-42, 72, 135, 148, 154, 172 |
Gambusia |
general |
234, 248, 296, 317, 319, 322, 818, 916 |
Gambusia |
holbrooki |
272, 275, 283, 398, 399, 400, 732, 915, 1239, 1490, 1637 |
Gambusia |
competition mossies |
914 |
Gambusia |
native predation |
726 |
Gar |
76 |
Garfish |
259, 396, 414, 423, 501, 1995 |
Genetics |
Aquarists service science |
1742-1748 |
Geocharax gracilis |
1836 |
Geotria australis |
1180 |
Gerres oyeana |
351 |
Gerres subfasciatus |
1201 |
Giant blue-eye |
12, 35-36 |
Giant Snail |
1566 |
Giuris margaritacea |
Snakehead Gudgeon |
2061-2066 |
Glass blue-eye |
1341 |
Glass perch |
29-30, 87, 131, 134 |
Glass shrimp |
Paratya australiensis |
1720 |
Glassfish |
systematics |
657 |
Glossamia |
180 |
Glossamia aprion |
89, 166, 168, 179, 187, 212, 214, 227, 242, 263, 286, 295, 303-5, 335, 346, 350, 363-5, 395, 396, 862, 2118-2122 |
Glossogobius |
celebensis |
331 |
Glossogobius |
celebius |
381, 382, 673 |
Glossogobius |
giuris |
395-6, 673 |
Glossogobius |
species |
214, 232, 253-4, 260, 263, 363-4, 1328 |
Glossolepis |
from Northern NewGuinea |
1502-1512, 1540 |
Glossolepis |
dorityi |
766, 767-769 |
Glossolepis |
incisus |
28, 136, 137, 8, 165, 737, 774 |
Glossolepis |
leggetti |
577, 774, 779, 800, 801 |
Glossolepis |
maculosus |
102-4, 117, 165, 533, 774, 799 |
Glossolepis |
multisquamatus |
47, 126-7, 165, 533, 564, 565, 774, 775, 1501 |
Glossolepis |
multisquamatus Buare L |
1508 |
Glossolepis |
multisquamatus Ramu R |
1506, 1507 |
Glossolepis |
multisquamatus Sepik R |
1504, 1505 |
Glossolepis |
new sp. |
577 |
Glossolepis |
pseudoincisus |
165, 1058-1067, 1058, 1064-1066 |
Glossolepis |
ramuensis |
525, 774, 1536 |
Glossolepis |
species |
104, 119, 126-7, 136, 155, 164-5, 343 |
Glossolepis |
wanamensis |
102, 113-114, 115, 116, 165, 533, 565, 624, 774, 779, 1744 |
Glover's catfish |
128 |
Goanna Lagoon |
294 |
Gobies |
229, 315, 343, 414, 1149-1153 |
Gobiidae |
229, 1087-1096 |
Gobiomorphus |
australis |
76, 77, 132, 148, 315, 350, 1279, 1339, 1372, 1486, 1490, 1495 |
Gobiomorphus |
basalis |
1552, 1553 |
Gobiomorphus |
cotidianus |
1553 |
Gobiomorphus |
Coxii |
350, 780, 1486, 1490, 1495 |
Gobiomorphus |
huttoni |
1551 |
Gobiopterus semivestitus |
1611 |
Goby |
Bluespot goby |
1723 |
Goby |
bridled goby |
1601 |
Goby |
Cling Gobies from Biak |
1284-1287 |
Goby |
Desert |
17, 128, 611, 740, 848, 1276 |
Goby |
Elizabeth Springs |
1921-1933 |
Goby |
Jardine River |
253 |
Goby |
Lidwill's Dwarf Goby |
1198-1201, 1198 |
Goby |
mangrove |
892 |
Goby |
Mulgrave Glossogobius |
1328 |
Goby |
new fish |
569 |
Goby |
rhino-horn |
690 |
Goby |
species |
53, 76, 131, 134, 172, 212, 227 |
Goby |
species |
253-254, 258, 260 |
Goby |
Swan River |
1251 |
Goldfish |
333, 349, 351 |
Gourami |
423 |
Goyder River rainbow |
22, 286, 301 |
Green discus |
386 |
Grunter |
Banded |
664 |
Grunter |
Barcoo |
665 |
Grunter |
Bartailed |
664 |
Grunter |
Butlers |
665 |
Grunter |
Coal |
664, 1568, 1701 |
Grunter |
Sooty |
234, 664 |
Grunter |
Striped |
1568 |
Grunters |
172, 180, 212-214, 229, 232, 234, 286, 663 |
Gudgeon |
234, 235, 258, 259, 315, 645, 978 |
Gudgeon |
Blind |
145, 782 |
Gudgeon |
Carp |
139, 162 |
Gudgeon |
Cox's |
780 |
Gudgeon |
dwarf flathead |
503, 504, 1339, 1672, 1722, 1866-1868 |
Gudgeon |
Empire |
139, 162, 645, 1562, 1565, 2009-2014, 2021-2024, 2033-2037 |
Gudgeon |
firetail |
649 |
Gudgeon |
flat-headed |
1339, 1684 |
Gudgeon |
genus mogurnda |
686, 819 |
Gudgeon |
Gondwanian Climing |
1542-1543 |
Gudgeon |
klunzingeri |
648 |
Gudgeon |
Lakes carp |
648 |
Gudgeon |
Midgely's carp |
648 |
Gudgeon |
Murray Darling carp |
649 |
Gudgeon |
Oxyeleotris aruensis |
1329 |
Gudgeon |
Peacock |
49, 51 |
Gudgeon |
Poreless |
1564, 1736 |
Gudgeon |
purple-spotted |
174, 200, 553, 898, 1405 |
Gudgeon |
snakehead |
1187-1190, 2061-2066 |
Gudgeon |
western carp |
139, 645, 648 |
Gudgeon |
40, 41, 50, 53, 145-149, 158, 160-162, 172, 187, 200-202, 213, 227, 229, 232, 295, 333, 349, 350, 351 |
Half-beak |
76 |
Halicarcinus lacustris |
258 |
Hannia greenwayi |
373 |
Hardyhead |
Craterocephalus sp. |
1079 |
Hardyhead |
Fly-specked |
97 |
Hardyhead |
Marjorie's |
61, 2205-2211 |
Hardyhead |
Lake Eyre |
1245, 1252-1265, 1252 |
Hardyhead |
Threatened Murry Hardyh |
1390-1399 |
Hardyhead |
40, 41, 61-64, 149, 166, 167, 179, 180, 211, 229, 232, 235, 286, 349 |
Hazelwood |
Pondage Cichlids |
1375-1380 |
Heli-fishing |
Upper Katherine River |
1522-1531 |
Hemichromis |
386 |
Hephaestus |
adamsoni |
232 |
Hephaestus |
carbo |
88, 212, 213, 227, 228, 233, 263, 286, 290, 303, 341, 346, 347, 363-5, 664, 1568 |
Hephaestus |
fulginosis |
87, 166, 167, 212, 232-235, 263, 286, 303, 305, 346, 358, 360, 362, 364-365, 367, 395, 396, 419, 664, 862 |
Hephaestus |
Lineatus |
378 |
Hephaestus |
carbo, Coal Grunter |
1701 |
Hephaestus sp. |
168, 1973-1978 |
Heron - White necked |
Ardea pacifica |
1517 |
Highlands rainbowfish |
116-118 |
Hinchinbrook |
Channel |
379 |
Hinchinbrook |
Island |
670 |
Hippicthys heptagonus |
2055-2060 |
Honey Blue Eye |
37-39, 48, 72, 131, 187, 310, 311, 432 |
Honey Blue Eye |
Snapper Creek |
1277 |
Hyporhamphus ardeio |
76 |
Hypseleotris |
aurea |
162 |
Hypseleotris |
compressa |
24, 76, 87, 89, 132, 134, 135, 139-140, 162-164, 177, 214, 254, 263, 294, 304, 315, 343, 350, 362-365, 382, 384, 645, 1278, 1487, 1491, 1495, 1562, 1565, 1611, 2033-2037 |
Hypseleotris |
one more breed attempt |
2009-2014, 2021-2024 |
Hypseleotris |
galii |
54, 65, 77, 132, 135, 148, 315, 350, 649, 816, 1283 |
Hypseleotris |
genus |
645 |
Hypseleotris |
guntheri |
417, 423 |
Hypseleotris |
klungzingeri |
131, 132, 135, 315, 350, 648, 1282 |
Hypseleotris |
klungzingeri? |
381 |
Hypseleotris |
sp. |
40, 132, 135, 162, 163, 317, 943 |
Hypseleotris |
species No.3 |
649 |
Hypseleotris |
species No.4 |
648 |
Hypseleotris |
species No.5 |
648 |
Hyrtl's catfish |
Neosilurus hyrtlii |
2066, 2081-2093 |
Hyrtl's tandan |
350, 352 |
Irian Jaya |
Allen survey |
575 |
Iriatherina sp. |
155 |
Iriatherina werneri |
78-79, 80, 82, 161, 165-8, 179, 214 , 263, 360, 363, 364, 693, 697, 814, 901, 906-910, 911-913, 1359, 2181-2188 |
Iriatherina werneri |
Wenlock River - CY |
1461, 1569 |
Iron Range |
346 |
Island - Aru |
2013 Expeditions |
1894-1903 |
Island - Biogu |
1994, 1995 |
Island - Bribie |
1907 |
Island - Fitzroy |
2066 |
Island - Kola |
1903 |
Islands |
926, 1774-1782 |
Islands |
Moa I 2008 fish survey |
1812-1817 |
Islands |
Torres Strait |
1989-1996 |
Javelin fish |
396 |
Jewelled sunfish |
313 |
Jewfish |
171, 348, 423 |
Jewish perch |
367 |
Johnius vogleri |
348 |
Jollytail |
41 |
Jungle perch |
132, 134, 159, 227, 380-2 |
Katherine River rainbowfish |
325 |
Killifish |
118, 179, 187, 249, 412 |
Kimberley |
collecting |
370, 595 |
Kingfisher |
Azure kingfisher |
1724 |
Kite |
Whistling |
1501, 1517 |
Kiunga ballochi |
505, 1341, 1361 |
Kiunga bleheri |
1362 |
Koi carp |
349 |
Kuhlia rupestrus |
132, 134, 159, 227, 346, 358, 362, 380-2 |
Kuhlidae |
310 |
Kurtidae Family |
287-288 |
Kurtus gulliveri |
305, 1941-1949 |
Labeotropheus fuelleborni |
332 |
Lagoon |
Barra Lagoon |
1458 |
Lagoon |
Shannon, Tasmania |
1217 |
Lagoon |
Fitz Lagoon |
1449 |
Lagoon |
Narrabeen, Deep Creek |
1477 |
Lagoon |
Obbes Lagoon |
1735 |
Lagoon Narrabeen |
Feeder Creek Fishes |
1482-1498 |
Lake |
Aitinyo, M.boesemani |
1794 |
Lake |
Crater, Cradle Mountain |
1197, 1208-1209 |
Lake |
Eyre |
1252-1265 |
Lake |
Furnusu Lake |
1607 |
Lake |
Great, Tasmania |
1216, 1220 |
Lake |
Kutubu |
229 |
Lake |
Pedder |
1202-1203, 1210 |
Lake |
Torrens |
1074 |
Lake |
Wanam |
621 |
Lake Eacham rainbowfish |
81, 217, 219, 241-247, 310 |
Lake Faowi |
of Mamberamo River |
1502 |
Lake Furnusu Rainbow |
M. mairasi |
1602-1607 |
Lake Kutubu Rainbow |
43-46, 230 |
Lake Narrabeem |
Brackish Creek Fishes |
1608-1617 |
Lake Tebera rainbowfish |
379 |
Lake Wanam fasciata |
737, 776 |
Lamprey |
1180 |
Largemouth bass |
298, 299 |
Lates calcarifer |
140, 166, 168, 227, 263, 304, 346 |
Lates calcarifer |
364, 395, 419, 428 |
Lates niloticus |
31 |
Lawn Hill Gorge |
survey |
527 |
Leiopotherapon unicolor |
59, 166, 168, 211, 212, 213, 263, 286, 294, 295, 296-300, 303, 304, 305, 346, 358, 362-3, 365, 367-368, 384, 395-396, 664, 820, 1029, 1237, 1514 |
Lentipes |
sp. |
925, 936-937 |
Lentipes |
venustus |
1087-1090, 1091 |
Lepidogalaxias |
9, 10, 11, 219, 220, 221, 222 |
Lepidogalaxias salamandroides |
aestivation |
219-223 |
Lepidogalaxias salamandroides |
general |
9-10-11, 59, 150, 151, 219-223, 761 |
Leptachiris triramus |
Tailed Sole |
1566 |
Long-finned eel |
350, 805, 1279 |
Longtoms |
166, 168, 182-187, 184, 213, 286, 382, 414 |
Loricariid catfish |
386 |
Lotus |
Native & Exotic |
796 |
Lungfish |
general |
197-200, 255-7, 349-350, 352, 836, 840-845 |
Lutjanus |
argentimaculatus |
331, 382, 396 |
Lutjanus |
goldiei |
419 |
M.sp.Balcanoona |
414-416 |
M.variegata |
230 |
Mabuiag Island |
Fish Survey |
1774-1782 |
Maccullochella |
ikeri |
1049, 1050, 1051 |
Maccullochella |
peeli mariensis |
1567 |
Maccullochella |
peeli peeli |
433, 437 |
Maccullochella |
sp. |
350 |
Macquaria |
ambigua |
350, 1237, 1238 |
Macquaria |
novemaculeata |
76, 276, 350, 1487 |
Macquaria |
sp. |
1031 |
Macrobrachium lar |
1717 |
Macrobrachium novaehollandiae |
1611, 1714 |
Macrobrachium sp. |
1693 |
Madagascar rainbow |
36, 1126-1134 |
Madigania unicolor |
367 |
Mangrove |
flowers |
1200 |
Mangrove cardinal fish |
332, 382 |
Mangrove Jack |
302, 304, 331, 382, 396 |
Marjorie's hardyhead |
61-64, 350, 2205-2211 |
Market |
Kikori market PNG |
1941-1949 |
Mary River cod |
349-352 |
Maylandia sp. |
Zebra Mbuna |
1377 |
Megalops cyprinoides |
263, 304, 350, 363-5, 428 |
Melanotaenia |
affinis |
46, 47, 102, 103, 117, 1653 |
Melanotaenia |
affinis (Pagwi) |
46-47, 423, 536 |
Melanotaenia |
affinis "Bonggo" |
1478-1481 |
Melanotaenia |
albimarginata |
1901 |
Melanotaenia |
ammeri |
1789, 1830 |
Melanotaenia |
angfa |
374-376, 377-379, 709, 710, 718 |
Melanotaenia |
arfakensis |
1889 |
Melanotaenia |
Aru II |
1747 |
Melanotaenia |
australis |
1529, 1531, 1705 |
Melanotaenia |
batanta species |
483, 581, 1001, 1108-1119, 1334-1336 |
Melanotaenia |
boesemani |
387, 445, 1677, 1747, 1891 |
Melanotaenia |
bowmani |
1979-1988 |
Melanotaenia |
catherinae waigeo |
581, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1317, 1334-1336 |
Melanotaenia |
corona |
2143-2161 |
Melanotaenia |
duboulayi |
248, 276, 315, 320, 350, 485, 1280-1281, 1541, 1547, 2123-2141 |
Melanotaenia |
duboulayi, Colosseum C |
1548 |
Melanotaenia |
duboulayi, Gin Gin Creek |
1549 |
Melanotaenia |
eachamensis |
81, 187, 189, 194, 217, 219, 241-247 |
Melanotaenia |
eachamensis |
306, 308, 320, 333, 334-336, 359, 485 |
Melanotaenia |
exquisita |
305, 326, 372, 492, 855, 1016, 1521, 1530, 1569 |
Melanotaenia |
fasinensis |
1741 |
Melanotaenia |
fluviatilis |
94, 141, 149, 189, 236-240, 320, 366, 485, 1173-6 |
Melanotaenia |
fredericki |
581, 829, 850 |
Melanotaenia |
garylangei |
1869-1881, 2073-2080 |
Melanotaenia |
goldiei |
88, 158, 347, 419, 483, 573, 1357, 1828, 2075 |
Melanotaenia |
gracilis |
372, 373, 485, 904, 1221, 1222-1225, 1223, 1653 |
Melanotaenia |
grunwaldi |
1979-1988 |
Melanotaenia |
herbertaxelrodi |
47, 158, 292, 293, 379, 483, 536 |
Melanotaenia |
irianjaya |
718 |
Melanotaenia |
lacustris |
43-47, 230, 232, 445, 488, 1914 |
Melanotaenia |
maccullochi |
70, 154, 201, 214, 261, 263, 264, 305, 330, 363, 364, 381, 401-404, 483, 488, 700, 1726-1734 |
Melanotaenia |
macc., Bulls Crossing |
1730, 1734 |
Melanotaenia |
maccullochi, Burton C |
1732, 1733 |
Melanotaenia |
macc., Cape Flattery |
1730 |
Melanotaenia |
maccullochi dwarf |
402 |
Melanotaenia |
maccullochi, Etty Bay |
1727, 1728 |
Melanotaenia |
maccullochi, Harvey C |
1727 |
Melanotaenia |
maccullochi, Kai Creek |
1813 |
Melanotaenia |
maccullochi, Moa Island |
1732 |
Melanotaenia |
maccullochi, Skull Creek |
1725, 1731 |
Melanotaenia |
mairasi |
1602-1607 |
Melanotaenia |
misoolensis |
1108-1119, 1353-1363, 1581, 1582 |
Melanotaenia |
monticola |
43, 47, 181-182, 231, 536, 557, 560 |
Melanotaenia |
new colour |
156, 774 |
Melanotaenia |
nigrans |
87, 149, 193, 201, 214, 263, 303-305, 309, 330, 343, 363, 364, 372, 403, 452, 485, 597, 863 |
Melanotaenia |
nigrans fail translocation |
2015-2020 |
Melanotaenia |
ogilbyi |
1605, 1773, 1785, 1786 |
Melanotaenia |
oktediensis |
187, 265-267, 333, 1915 |
Melanotaenia |
papuae |
488 |
Melanotaenia |
parkinsoni |
1653, 1746 |
Melanotaenia |
parva |
718, 1058-1067, 1058, 1060-1063, 1825, 1918 |
Melanotaenia |
picta |
1893 1898, 1901 |
Melanotaenia |
pimaensis |
118 |
Melanotaenia |
praecox |
385-388, 389-391, 483, 576, 1348-1349, 1746, 1855, 1863 |
Melanotaenia |
pygmaea |
337-338, 1561 |
Melanotaenia |
rubropinnis |
577, 1771, 1864, 1865, 1986 |
Melanotaenia |
rubrivittata |
1845-1859 |
Melanotaenia |
rubrostriata |
483, 1830, 2075 |
Melanotaenia |
senckenbergianus |
1898 |
Melanotaenia |
sexlineata |
47, 169-170, 483, 1358 |
Melanotaenia |
species |
21, 40, 43, 44, 68, 119, 136, 155, 164, 165, 170, 294, 317, 320, 718, 1703 |
Melanotaenia |
splendida |
2, 51, 88, 89, 94, 154, 155, 173, 216, 246, 267, 309, 320, 327, 673, 700 |
Melanotaenia |
splendida australis |
2, 304, 305, 325-327, 353-357, 372, 449, 853, 855, 856, 904, 1307, 1529, 1531 |
Melanotaenia |
solendida Deepwater C |
1545 |
Melanotaenia |
splendida fluviatilis |
21, 54, 65, 70, 77, 94-96, 131, 132, 134-5 |
Melanotaenia |
splendida fluviatilis |
141-144, 148, 149, 150, 189-192, 240, 276 |
Melanotaenia |
splendida inornata |
2, 70, 86-88, 156, 158, 167, 179, 193-195, 211-2, 214, 227-8, 263, 286, 295, 303-5, 343, 346, 353, 363-55, 394-6, 483, 485, 528, 606, 808, 863, 1141-2, 1293, 1524, 1570 |
Melanotaenia |
splendida rubrostriata |
158, 195, 423, 483 |
Melanotaenia |
splendida splendida |
89, 217-9, 306-10, 315, 326, 334, 346, 357-9, 362-3, 381, 439, 440, 481, 492, 500, 519, 673, 752-753, 1270, 1319, 2017 |
Melanotaenia |
splendida tatie |
356, 497, 1236, 1237, 1241 |
Melanotaenia |
NG IUCN Red List |
1826-1832, 1888-1892, 1913-1920 |
Melanotaenia |
IUCN Threatened Species |
1826-1832, 1888-1892, 1913-1920 |
Melanotaenia |
utcheensis |
89, 497, 1661, 1662-1667, 2094-2117 |
Melanotaenia |
vanheurni |
1621, 1622-1629, 1828 |
Melanotaenia |
waigeo |
1108-1119 |
Melanotaenia |
wokamensis |
1899 |
Melanotaenia species |
Arguni Bay |
1429, 1430-1439 |
Melanotaenia species |
Blackmore River |
500 |
Melanotaenia species |
Burdekin River - NQ |
497, 701, 1036-1037, 1042-1043, 1921, 1933-1937 |
Melanotaenia species |
Burdekin Rainbow status |
1962-1972, 2025-2032 |
Melanotaenia species |
Running River status |
1962-1972, 2025-2032 |
Melanotaenia species |
Davies Creek |
496 |
Melanotaenia species |
Deckai NG |
1832 |
Melanotaenia species |
Deepwater Creek - Q |
492 |
Melanotaenia species |
GinGin - SEQ |
485 |
Melanotaenia species |
Kambolgie Creek - NT |
496 |
Melanotaenia species |
Kangaroo Creek - SEQ |
497 |
Melanotaenia species |
Kokas Bay |
1439 |
Melanotaenia species |
Malanda |
2038-2054 |
Melanotaenia species |
Miskin River - FNQ |
497 |
Melanotaenia species |
Mulgrave River |
492 |
Melanotaenia species |
Rawarra NG |
1826 |
Melanotaenia species |
Running River |
2189-2197 |
Melanotaenia species |
Siriwo River NG |
1764 |
Melanotaenia species |
Station Creek - Q |
492 |
Melanotaenia species |
Suswa Village |
1477-1481 |
Melanotaenia species |
Topo River NG |
1769 |
Melanotaenia species |
Wallaby Creek-Cooktown |
440, 496, 1571, 1739 |
Melanotaenia species |
Wapoga Red Laser |
1859-1865 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
1701 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Alligator River - NT |
3, 424 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Archer River - CY |
425 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Arafura Swamp AL |
1571 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Beening Creek |
1453 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Blyth River |
1266, 1266-1268 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Burster Creek - CY |
425, 468 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Cape Arnhem - NT |
424 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Cato River - NT |
523 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Claudie River - CY |
425, 493 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Cockatoo Creek - CY |
522 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Coen River - NQ |
3, 425, 1748 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Crystal Springs - NT |
523 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Daintree River |
1244, 1244 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Dulhunty River |
472 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Eliot Creek - CY |
289, 425 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Gap Creek - NQ |
700, 1269-1271, 1738 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Giddy River - Arnham |
3, 424 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Gordon River - Q |
3 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Goyder River - Arnhem |
3, 424, 493, 1294 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Gunshot Creek - CY |
468 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Latram River - NT |
424, 524 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Jurassic Area |
708 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Marmos Creek - CY |
472, 1448 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
McIvor River - CY |
493, 1716 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Melville Island - NT |
424 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Myka Creek |
1452 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
new Weipa |
609 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Pappan Creek - CY |
425, 493, 1457 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Pascoe River - CY |
157, 425, 477 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Peppan Outstation |
1455 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Richard River |
1569 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Rocky Bottom Creek- NT |
424, 1304-1305 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Running Creek - CY |
425, 1440 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Skull Creek - CY |
425 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
species |
1, 3-4, 22, 47, 69, 70, 86-89, 156-160 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
species |
193-195, 211, 212, 214, 227, 228, 263, 264 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
species |
286-295, 301-305, 327, 333, 343, 345-347 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
species |
363-5, 372, 424-6, 457, 465, 469, 493, 521 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Tentpole Creek - CY |
425, 465 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Weipa - CY |
3 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Wenlock River - CY |
425 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Wonderful Wonga |
301 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Wonga Creek |
301, 424, 493 |
Melanotaenia trifasciata |
Yirkala - NT |
522 |
Melanotaeniidae |
species |
13, 95, 103, 141, 153-156, 187, 195-6, 229, 235, 249, 259, 268, 320 |
Mermaid Pool |
1542-1543 |
Microphisretzii |
946 |
Micropterus salmoides |
298 |
Midgley's Carp Gudgeon |
648 |
Milyeringa veritas |
145-148, 784 |
Minnow |
Shannon Mud |
9 |
Moa Island |
2008 Fish Survey |
1812-1817 |
Mobray River Goby |
331 |
Mogurnda |
adspersa |
200-2, 315, 414-416, 519, 553, 688, 1323, 1535 |
Mogurnda |
adspersa, Mena Creek |
1331 |
Mogurnda |
adspersa, Utchee Creek |
1332 |
Mogurnda |
adspersa, lower MurrayR |
1405, 1428 |
Mogurnda |
balcanoona |
414 |
Mogurnda |
cingulata |
1359, 2077 |
Mogurnda |
clivicola |
688, 1029, 1535 |
Mogurnda |
finke |
734 |
Mogurnda |
larapintae |
689, 734, 736 |
Mogurnda |
mogurnda |
87, 160, 164, 174-177, 200, 214, 227, 242, 263, 295, 303-5, 343, 346, 358, 362-4, 396, 597, 689, 734, 735, 819, 859, 861, 1443, 1902 |
Mogurnda |
oligolepis |
689 |
Mogurnda |
sp. |
40, 89, 95, 132-5, 162-3, 174, 177, 230, 232, 359, 396, 898, 899, 900, 943, 1533, 1705 |
Mogurnda |
species I.Jaya |
577 |
Mogurnda |
thermophila |
689, 821, 1242, 1535 |
Monodacts |
172 |
Monodactylus argenteus |
30, 76 |
Moreton Island sunfish |
313 |
Mosquitofish |
31, 32, 33-4, 39-42, 76-7, 95, 134, 136, 229 |
Mosquitofish |
282-284, 349, 350, 430 |
Mountain galaxias |
58-60, 71, 223-225, 785-788 |
Mountain rainbowfish |
181-182, 231 |
Mouth almighty |
89, 166, 168, 179, 187, 212, 214, 227, 242, 263, 286, 332, 335, 336, 350, 2118-2122 |
Mud Minnow |
Shannon |
9 |
Mudfish |
Lang Lang River |
1668-1672 |
Mudskippers |
225, 382, 419 |
Mugil cephalus |
134, 135, 350, 382, 395, 1201 |
Mugilogobius |
chulae |
895, 1641, 1642-1649 |
Mugilogobius |
littoralis |
896 |
Mugilogobius |
mertoni |
1647 |
Mugilogobius |
platynotus |
893 |
Mugilogobius |
paludis |
22 |
Mugilogobius |
platystomas |
895 |
Mugilogobius |
rambaiae |
897 |
Mugilogobius |
rexi |
1648, 1649 |
Mugilogobius |
rivulus |
897, 935 |
Mugilogobius |
sarasinorum |
1647 |
Mugilogobius |
sp. |
304 |
Mugilogobius |
stigmaticus |
895 |
Mugilogobius |
wilsoni |
877, 894, 1643 |
Mullet |
134-5, 259, 348, 395-6, 414, 423, 1484 |
Murray Cod |
348, 349, 351, 433-434, 437 |
Murray Darling carp gudgeon |
649 |
Murray River rainbowfish |
94-96, 141-144, 189-192, 236-240, 1173-6 |
Mycrobacteriosis |
Managing |
1423-1427 |
Myora Springs |
1048 |
Myxus petardi |
76 |
N.gloveri |
825 |
Namalycastis |
hawaiiensis |
1538-1539 |
Naming Fish |
1749-1752, 1783-1788, 1799-1804 |
Nannatherina |
balstoni |
761 |
Nannoperca |
australis |
40, 41, 42, 321-323, 957, 1125, 1414-1417, 1633, 1636, 1637 |
Nannoperca |
australis, Welcome R |
1204 |
Nannoperca |
australis, habitat |
1205 |
Nannoperca |
obscura |
1228, 1633, 1637 |
Nannoperca |
oxleyana |
65, 66, 134-136, 148, 247-9, 310-312, 1050, 1051, 1053, 1400-1404 |
Nannoperca |
percichthyidae |
2198-2204 |
Nannoperca |
sp. |
40, 41 |
Nannoperca |
variegata |
321-323, 521 |
Nannopercidae |
310 |
Nematalosa erebi |
87, 131, 242, 263, 335, 346, 350, 365, 384, (?) 395, 427, 1030, 1230, 1236 |
Neobatrachus |
centralis |
1264, 1288-1292, 1289, 1292 |
Neoceratodus forsteri |
Australian Lungfish |
197-200, 836, 840-845 |
Neochanna cleaveri |
Lang Lang River |
1668-1672 |
Neochanna sp. |
8, 11, 151 |
Neon rainbowfish |
385, 391 |
Neon Tetra |
387 |
Neosiluris |
ater |
363, 396 |
Neosiluris |
ater (?) |
396 |
Neosiluris |
brevidorsalis |
457 |
Neosiluris |
gloveri |
825 |
Neosiluris |
glencoensis |
346, 364, 365 |
Neosiluris |
hyrtlii |
350, 358, 396, 1238, 1515, 1594, 1595, 1707, 2066, 2081-2093 |
Neosiluris |
sp. |
128, 132, 134, 148, 166, 168, 214, 263 |
Neosiluris |
sp. |
315, 362, 363 |
Neosiluris |
sp. (hyrtlii?) |
304, 396 |
Neosiluris |
sp. Spotted body |
365 |
Neosiluris |
sp.1 |
346 |
Neosiluris |
sp.2 |
346 |
Neosiluris brevidorsalis |
457 |
New Zealand mudfish |
8, 11, 151 |
Nightfish Bostockia |
758, 759, 763 |
Nile perch |
31 |
Northern purple spotted gudgeon |
227 |
Northern saratoga |
168 |
Northern soft ray sunfish |
215 |
Northern soft-spined sunfish |
313 |
Northern trout gudgeon |
242 |
Notesthes robusta |
76, 77, 351, 1611 |
Notopala waterhousei |
1566 |
Nursery Fish |
287-288, 1941-1949 |
Nymphaeaceae |
720 |
Nymphoides |
Marshworts |
871 |
Oktedi rainbowfish |
265-267 |
Olive Branch |
survey |
606 |
Olive perch |
29-30, 76, 77, 350 |
Ondinia purpurea |
709, 720, 721 |
One gilled swamp eel |
8 |
One-spot livebearer |
another introduced fish |
1342-1347 |
Ophieleotris |
aporos |
263, 365, 381, 382, 421, 422, 673 |
Ophieleotris |
sp. |
168 |
Ophiocara porocephala |
304, 332, 381 |
Ophisternon |
gutterale |
263, 859 |
Ophisternon |
sp. |
363 |
Oreochromis mossambicus |
350 |
Ornate rainbowfish |
313, 1572, 1573 |
Oryeleotris |
lirieolata |
700 |
Oryeleotris |
nullipora |
161, 345 |
Oryeleotris |
specie |
369 |
Otwayarius galaxiformis |
1,720 |
Outback |
Australia's Outback |
1226-1243 |
Oxeye herring |
350, 351, 428 |
Oxleyan Pigmy Perch |
310-312, 1050 |
Oxyeleotris |
aruensis |
1329 |
Oxyeleotris |
fimbriata |
229, 232, 378 |
Oxyeleotris |
lineolatus |
166, 168, 214, 227, 263, 286, 346, 396, 700 |
Oxyeleotris |
lineolatus (?) |
303, 304 |
Oxyeleotris |
melanosoma (?) |
422 |
Oxyeleotris |
nullipora |
158, 160, 161, 162, 167, 168, 212-214, 227, 259, 263,264, 345, 363, 364, 1564, 1736 |
Oxyeleotris |
sp. |
1, 346, 369 |
Pacific Blue Eye |
121-125, 268-276, 382, 1381 |
Pagwi Rainbow |
46-47 |
Panagrellus silusae |
120 |
Pandakas |
414, 1705 |
Papua West |
2012 expedition |
1790-1798 |
Paragalaxias |
eleotroides, Shannon R |
1217, 1218, 1220 |
Paragalaxias |
dissimilis, Shannon R |
1218 |
Paragrapsus laevis |
1611 |
Parambassis gulliveri |
66, 552, 661 |
Paratya australiensis |
Glass Shrimp |
1720 |
Parrotfish |
259 |
Pascoe River rainbowfish |
157-160, 471, 477 |
Peacock gudgeon |
49, 51-53, 2142, 2174-2180 |
Pelangia mbutuensis |
576 |
Pelvicachromis |
386 |
Penny Fish |
167, 179, 180, 214, 661 |
Peppan |
Outstation |
1455 |
Peppan |
Lower |
1456 |
Peppimentari Country |
450 |
Perch |
Climbing |
1995 |
Perch |
Ewens Pygmy |
952, 953, 954, 955-957, 958-959, 1010 |
Perch |
Olive |
29 |
Perch |
Oxleyan Pygmy |
310, 312, 1050, 1400-1404 |
Perch |
Pygmy |
1204, 1205, 2198-2204 |
Perch |
Spangled |
296, 367, 664, 1514 |
Perch |
Southern Pygmy |
1414-1417 |
Perch |
Western Pygmy |
1251 |
Perch |
Victorian Pygmy |
321 |
Perch |
Yarra Pygmy |
638, 641, 642 |
Perch |
50, 135, 248 |
Perch |
silver |
665 |
Perch |
crescent |
665 |
Perchlet |
227, 286 |
Percichthyidae |
310 |
Periophthalmus |
novaeguineae |
419 |
Periophthalmus |
sp. |
382 |
Persian carpet |
201 |
Phalloceros caudimaculatus |
another introduced fish |
1342-1347 |
Phallostethidae |
281 |
Philiypnodon |
grandiceps |
76, 350, 1227, 1339, 1611, 1637 |
Philiypnodon |
macrostoma |
1339, 1486, 1611, 1867 |
Philiypnodon |
sp. |
40, 76, 504 |
Photography |
1563-1575, 1701-1708 |
Pingalla |
lorentzi |
213, 263, 364 |
Pingalla |
sp. (?) |
364 |
Pipefish freshwater |
2055-2060 |
Plant |
Aponogeton vanbruggenii |
1689 |
Plant |
Eriocaulon setaceum |
1687 |
Plant |
Native Plants for Aquaria |
1673-1676, 1687-1692 |
Plant |
Nymphoides violacea |
1725 |
Plant |
Nymphoides indica |
1736 |
Plant |
Ondinia purpurea |
1691 |
Plant |
Otellia alismoides |
1688 |
Plant |
Pitcher, Nepenthes sp. |
1452 |
Plant |
Pogostemon stellatus |
1674 |
Plant |
Potamogeton perfoliatus |
1692 |
Plant |
Rotala mexicana |
1661, 1676 |
Plant |
Vallisneria caulescens |
1692 |
Plant |
Vallisneria speckled |
1690 |
Platy |
349, 350, 351 |
Platycephalus fuscus |
351 |
Plectorhinchus Gibbosus |
1,048 |
Plotosidae |
229 |
Islands |
926 |
Poecilia |
reticulata |
295, 333, 350 |
Poecilia |
317 |
Poeciliidae |
229 |
Pogosteman Stellatus |
571 |
Polychaete worm |
Freshwater in Australia |
1538-1539 |
Ponds |
dragonflies in |
884 |
Pondweeds |
845 |
Pool |
Mermaid |
1542-1543 |
Popondetta |
connieae |
22, 50, 66-68, 119, 155 |
Popondetta |
furcata |
22, 66, 67, 68 |
Popondetta |
sp. |
22, 28, 66, 67, 68, 119, 155 |
Poreless Gudgeon |
1564 |
Porochilis |
argenteus |
1238, 1516 |
Porochilis |
obbesi |
263, 363, 1357 |
Porochilis |
rendahli |
350, 519, 859, 1325, 1593-1595 |
Port Fairy |
survey results |
641 |
Porthole fish |
23, 313 |
Possum |
cream coloured |
1214 |
Potamalosa richmondia |
239, 851 |
Predators |
water beetles & tigers |
1997-2001 |
Pristis microdon |
133 |
Protopterus |
maraena |
239, 398 |
Protopterus |
sp. |
11 |
Pseudaphritis urvilii |
22, 397-398, 956, 1120-1124 |
Pseudogobius sp.9 |
1611 |
Pseudomugil |
affinis |
12 |
Pseudomugil |
sp. Aru I |
1467 |
Pseudomugil |
sp. Aru II |
1468 |
Pseudomugil |
sp, Aru III |
1453, 1469 |
Pseudomugil |
sp, Aru IV |
1469 |
Pseudomugil |
broomensis |
1 |
Pseudomugil |
chart of 12 morphs |
592, 593 |
Pseudomugil |
connieae |
66, 405 |
Pseudomugil |
cyanodorsalis |
249-252, 405, 407, 409, 412, 413, 972-973, 1598 |
Pseudomugil |
eggs |
205 |
Pseudomugil |
furcatus |
66, 67, 405 |
Pseudomugil |
gertrudae |
12, 22, 24, 30, 35, 78, 82, 87, 105-108, 110, 122, 156, 158, 161, 205-211, 214, 250, 263, 268, 290, 295, 304, 305, 323, 324, 330, 343, 364, 402, 407-409, 589, 592-593, 805, 814, 965-968, 1599, 1950, 1990, 1991 |
Pseudomugil |
Kai Creek |
1814 |
Pseudomugil |
gertrudae, Terangan Is |
1470 |
Pseudomugil |
gertrudae, Weipa |
1429 |
Pseudomugil |
gertrudae (?) |
304, 589 |
Pseudomugil |
inconspicuus |
251, 277, 282, 405, 412-414, 422, 430, 971, 1303, 1992 |
Pseudomugil |
ivantsoffi |
1757-1761, 1960 |
Pseudomugil |
luminatus |
1950-1961 |
Pseudomugil |
majusculus |
405 |
Pseudomugil |
mellis |
12, 37-39, 48, 54, 65, 66, 72, 131, 135, 136, 148, 205-211, 310, 323, 405, 407, 409-410, 432, 878, 965, 1277, 1598, 1869, 1990 |
Pseudomugil |
mellis - breeding |
1882-1887 |
Pseudomugil |
novaeguineae |
405, 1357 |
Pseudomugil |
paludicola |
405, 421, 423, 1467, 1902 |
Pseudomugil |
paskai |
405, 561, 1952 |
Pseudomugil |
Red finned Blue Eye |
1805-1812, 1992 |
Pseudomugil |
reticulatus |
1959 |
Pseudomugil |
signifer |
12, 24, 37, 76, 82, 88, 110, 121-125, 131, 134, 135, 172, 205-211, 250, 268-276, 323, 324, 350, 358, 362, 365, 381, 382, 405, 409, 412, 915, 961, 963, 1337, 1611, 1989 |
Pseudomugil |
signifer, Baffle Creek |
1546 |
Pseudomugil |
signifer, Wallaga Lake |
1381 |
Pseudomugil |
signifer, Townsville |
1597, 1600 |
Pseudomugil |
Significant signifers |
1382-1389 |
Pseudomugil |
species |
12, 24, 30, 35, 40-1, 119, 135, 153, 155, 863, 205-211, 227-8, 255, 268, 294, 305, 405, 960 |
Pseudomugil |
A Pseudomugil Account |
1466-1470 |
Pseudomugil |
Triton Bay |
1434 |
Pseudomugil |
tenellus |
12, 109-113, 122, 167, 168, 179-180, 205-211, 304, 323, 405, 409, 969, 970 |
Pseudomugil |
trouble shooting |
323 |
Pseudomugil sp |
Dekai |
2077 |
Pseudomugilidae |
249, 277, 278, 281 |
Psuedogobius No.9 |
569 |
Psuedogobius olorum |
1230, 1251 |
Pufferfish |
414 |
Purple spotted gudgeon |
northern |
227 |
Purple spotted gudgeon |
southern |
1405, 1428 |
Purple spotted gudgeon |
132, 134, 174-177, 200-202, 350, 1443 |
Purple spotted gudgeon |
australian |
1532-1535 |
Pygmy perch |
40-42, 66, 134-5, 187, 310, 315, 321-3, 641, 1204, 1205, 1400-1404 |
Pygmy perch |
flinders |
2198-2204 |
Pygmy perch |
southern |
1414-1417 |
Pygmy Rainbow |
337-340, 1561 |
Queenfish |
302, 304 |
Queensland lungfish |
59 |
Quirichthys stramineus |
25-27, 28, 156, 325 |
Quoll eastern |
Dasyurus viverrinus |
1214 |
Rainbow |
28, 38, 57, 69, 77, 80, 81, 87, 89, 95, 117 |
Rainbow |
118, 137, 142, 149, 158, 166, 172, 177, 180 |
Rainbow |
193, 212, 214, 248 |
Rainbow prigi |
423 |
Rainbow trout |
397 |
Rainbowfish |
angfa |
374 |
Rainbowfish |
Atherton Tableland |
305 |
Rainbowfish |
barred |
55 |
Rainbowfish |
Some obs on behaviour |
1678-1681 |
Rainbowfish |
blue eye eggs |
205 |
Rainbowfish |
cairns |
215 |
Rainbowfish |
chequered |
193 |
Rainbowfish |
Darwin |
854 |
Rainbowfish |
Desert |
354, 382 |
Rainbowfish |
Drysdale River |
902 |
Rainbowfish |
east coast sympatry |
507 |
Rainbowfish |
egg posting |
118 |
Rainbowfish |
eggs |
20 |
Rainbowfish |
fry raising |
118 |
Rainbowfish |
General |
40, 41, 46, 51, 57, 68-70, 84, 86, 87, 103-4 |
Rainbowfish |
General |
118-120, 131, 132, 134, 135, 149, 153-160, |
Rainbowfish |
General |
178, 181-182, 189-195, 211, 215, 218, 226 |
Rainbowfish |
General |
229-233, 250, 265-267, 286, 292, 294, 295 |
Rainbowfish |
General |
302, 305, 308-309, 313-317, 320, 422, 482 |
Rainbowfish |
General |
507, 532, 566 |
Rainbowfish |
Hermaphrodite Rainbows |
1348-1349 |
Rainbowfish |
Identification |
320 |
Rainbowfish |
keeping |
68, 444 |
Rainbowfish |
Laura River |
752 |
Rainbowfish |
many pictures |
482 |
Rainbowfish |
Names |
482 |
Rainbowfish |
Pagwi |
46 |
Rainbowfish |
phenotype |
566 |
Rainbowfish |
Raja Ampat |
1108-1119 |
Rainbowfish |
Running River |
2189-2197 |
Rainbowfish |
small gene pool |
532 |
Rainbowfish |
spawning |
562 |
Rainbowfish |
splendida |
357 |
Rainbowfish |
Threadfin |
2181-2188 |
Rainbowfish |
Translocated |
2162-2174 |
Rainbowfish |
Waigeo |
1018 |
Rainbowfish |
Wallaby Creek |
439 |
Rainbowfish |
Western |
325 |
Rainbowfish eggs |
First Migration to Europe |
1650-1655 |
Red Devil |
Amphilobus labiatus |
1376 |
Red lined rainbow |
423 |
Red lined sawfish |
352 |
Red scats |
227 |
Redfin |
322, 349 |
Redfinned Blue Eye |
277-282, 430-432, 949, 1805-1812 |
Redigobius |
balteatus |
690, 692 |
Redigobius |
bikolanus |
134, 254, 315, 331, 351 |
Redigobius |
bikolanus, Baffle Creek |
1546 |
Redigobius |
chrysoma |
676 |
Redigobius |
leptochilus |
942 |
Redigobius |
macrostoma |
1149, 1201, 1611 |
Redigobius |
romeri |
581 |
Redigobius |
species |
76 |
Redigobius |
tambujon |
942 |
Rendahl's tandan |
350, 352, 1325 |
Renmark |
Red Mud Riverland |
1350-1353 |
Reticulated perchlet |
90-94 |
Retropinna |
semoni |
40, 54, 65, 77, 235-236, 350, 1371 |
Retropinna |
sp. |
40, 41, 1230 |
Rhabdosargus sarba |
135 |
Rhadinocentrus |
A quick trip for Rhads |
1904-1913 |
Rhadinocentrus |
Aranerawal C, Stradbroke |
1656 |
Rhadinocentrus |
Bribie Island |
1708, 1909, 1910 |
Rhadinocentrus |
Castaway C, Gold Coast |
1657 |
Rhadinocentrus |
Cooloolah Coast |
1656, 1658 |
Rhadinocentrus |
Cooroon Cooroonpah C |
1657 |
Rhadinocentrus |
Mount Cotton Creek |
1572 |
Rhadinocentrus |
Obi Obi Creek |
1905, 1906 |
Rhadinocentrus |
ornatus |
23, 54, 65-6, 82-83, 132, 134-5, 148, 196-7, 248, 310, 313-8, 350, 680, 685, 816 |
Rhadinocentrus |
ornatus, Deep Creek |
1373 |
Rhadinocentrus |
ornatus, Pine Creek |
1365 |
Rhadinocentrus |
Recent Rhad Discoveries |
1656-1658 |
Rhadinocentrus |
sp. |
36, 38, 149, 196 |
Rhadinocentrus |
Searys Creek |
1278-1279, 1573 |
Rhads |
310, 311, 313 |
Rhinohorn goby |
691, 692 |
Rifle fish |
166, 168 |
River |
Barcoo |
1154-9 |
River |
Biga River NG |
1587, 1591 |
River |
Blackmore River NT |
1754 |
River |
Brisbane |
347 |
River |
Burdekin |
1042 |
River |
Claudie |
225, 454 |
River |
Clohesy, M.sp.sp. |
1319 |
River |
Daly River NT |
1756, 2034 |
River |
Drysdale River |
902 |
River |
Endeavour River |
1710-1718, 1735-1740 |
River |
Fanning River |
1968 |
River |
Finke River NT |
2088 |
River |
Finnis River NT |
2005 |
River |
Fortescue River WA |
2090 |
River |
Gam River NG |
1589 |
River |
general fish |
85 |
River |
Goyder River - Arnhem |
1974 |
River |
Gregory River |
2002 |
River |
Habgood River |
1976 |
River |
Howard River NT |
1755 |
River |
Ifaupan River, NG |
1582-1592 |
River |
Ithaca River |
2048, 2053 |
River |
Jardine |
211 |
River |
Katherine River NT |
2004 |
River |
Kikori |
418 |
River |
Kolan River |
1541, 1547 |
River |
Kopi River NG |
1759 |
River |
King George |
1016 |
River |
Lang Lang |
1668-1672 |
River |
Laura Rainbow |
752 |
River |
Mann River |
1975 |
River |
Mary River |
1525 |
River |
McIvor River |
1710-1718, 1735-1740 |
River |
Mission River |
1993 |
River |
Murray R |
1350-1353, 1866 |
River |
Never Never |
1368 |
River |
Nerang River,GoldCoast |
2036 |
River |
Nogoa River |
2093 |
River |
Pascoe River |
157 |
River |
Paroo River Qld |
2089 |
River |
Running River |
1933-1937, 1966 |
River |
Soroan River NG |
1796 |
River |
Serpentine, habitat |
1247 |
River |
Shannon River |
1218 |
River |
Siriwo River NG |
1762-1772, 1981-1984 |
River |
Starcke survey |
699 |
River |
Topo River NG |
1768, 1986 |
River |
Torrens, SA |
1177-1186 |
River |
Tuross |
1338 |
River |
Upper Katherine |
1522-1531 |
River |
Victoria River NT |
2082, 2083 |
River |
Walker |
391 |
River |
Welcome River, TAS |
1203 |
River |
Wickham River |
2003 |
River perch |
348 |
River whaler shark |
351 |
Roman-nose goby |
227 |
Rosy barb |
349 |
Rotala mexicana |
Northern Territory |
1661 |
Ruby barb |
187 |
Rummynosed tetra |
387 |
Running River |
Rainbow |
2189-2197 |
Sailfin Gertrudae |
22 |
Sailfin perchlet |
167, 212, 235 |
Salamander fish |
150 |
Salmo trutta |
31, 308 |
Salmon-tailed catfish |
166, 168, 396, 1324 |
Saltwater blue-eyes |
227 |
Saratoga |
166-8, 180, 213, 234, 349-351, 367, 608, 864-6 |
Sawfish |
133, 352 |
Scatophagus argus |
76, 351, 395 |
Scats |
30, 172, 414 |
Scaturiginichthyinae |
278 |
Scaturiginichthys |
278 |
Scaturiginichthys vermeilipinnis |
277-284, 409, 430-432, 949, 974 |
Schismatogobius |
sp. |
946 |
Scleropages |
jardinii |
166, 168, 213, 234, 263, 608, 859, 864-865 |
Scleropages |
leichhardtii |
350 |
Scleropages |
sp. |
367 |
Scortum barcoo |
665 |
Sea mullet |
348, 350, 351, 352 |
Seahorses |
2060 |
Selenotoca multifasciata |
351, 396 |
Seleropages Jardini |
608 |
Sepik rainbowfish |
126-127 |
Shannon Mud Minnow |
9, 10, 11 |
Shark |
76 |
Sharp-nose Carp-gudgeon |
Teewah Creek |
1282 |
Short-finned eel |
350, 1702 |
Shrimp fairy |
1021 |
Sicyopterus |
lagocephalus |
940 |
Sicyopterus |
sp. |
940 |
Sicyopterus |
I.Jaya |
577 |
Sicyopus |
discordipinnis |
940 |
Sicyopus |
mystax |
941 |
Sicyopus |
zosterophorum |
941 |
Silver biddy |
351 |
Silver drummer |
259 |
Silver perch |
166, 168, 665 |
Silver Rainbow |
13, 15, 16, 17 |
Sleepy cod |
166, 168, 286 |
Sleepy cod |
March through Cooper Cr |
2067-2072 |
Slender Rainbow |
M.gracilis |
1222-1225 |
Smelt |
Australian |
40, 41, 65, 77, 235-236, 350 |
Snake |
Black Tiger Snake |
1204 |
Snakehead gudgeon |
168, 331, 381, 382, 422, 423, 1187-1190, 2061-2066 |
Snub-nosed garfish |
349, 351 |
Soapie jew |
348 |
Soft spined sunfish |
132, 134, 350, 352 |
Sole |
Tailed Sole |
1566 |
Solomon Islands |
1135-1139 |
Sooty Grunter |
87, 89, 166-7, 212, 233-5, 367, 419, 664 |
Sorong rainbowfish |
581, 829, 850 |
Southern blue-eye |
131, 134, 135 |
Southern pygmy perch |
7, 321-323 |
Southern soft-spined sunfish |
23, 313-317 |
Spangled grunter |
367 |
Spangled gudgeon |
332 |
Spangled perch |
59, 166, 168, 211-3, 234, 296-300, 349, 350, 358, 367-368, 384, 664 |
Spawning |
mops |
178 |
Species |
maintenance |
187 |
Species |
quality |
173 |
Species |
what is a species? |
1140 |